Tag Archives: Panda

Panda Love: bento, jewelry, and more

I don’t know if its their stark contrasting colours, their perfectly shaped spots, their rolly-polly bodies, or die-of-cuteness mannerisms, but Pandas are pretty much perfect. This love even spills out to the world of Bento, where their are countless containers and food designs to mimic these Asian bears. In this post I really just want to share some images I have collected of Panda Bento boxes and ideas, and later for more miscellaneous panda goodies. I hope you enjoy!

Panda Bento Boxes
I have to admit, there are some seriously fun panda bento boxes out there (none in Montreal it seem!!! :S ) but nevertheless some fun boxes. This first bento is a design I have not seen elsewhere and if I remember correctly I found it on ebay (got to love that ebay). My absolute favorite bento I have found so far can be seen below. It is simple, not too cartoonish, just the perfect bento box design. And he is even holding an origini! That seems to be the problem with most Panda bento, they are all a bit too childish, and not very translatable to all-ages. In the gallery below I have included all the Panda bento boxes I have come across and enjoyed. If we want to talk about accessories, probably the perfect panda bento accessory is the widely available Panda food picks (see image to the left). These picks really do look adorable in a bento lunch as you can see in the gallery below. You can get these picks all over the internet for about 6$ (with or without shipping depending on the site).

Random Panda
Earlier today I found one of the neatest panda accessories I may have ever seen. Featured on the following website: http://technabob.com/blog/2011/07/11/panda-darake-chopstick-practice/ , for about 25$ you can have a pile of rolly-polly pandas that will help you practice your chopstick skills (lord knows I need it!). The package comes with 12 pandas, a pair of chopsticks, and a small tire and table in order to balance the pandas with. I think it is just the cutest accessory and potentially the cutest distraction someone needs while working hard on a school/business project haha. I also found these equally cute chopstick rests that keep your used chopsticks off the table. Found here: http://item.rakuten.co.jp/pas2/c/0000000237/, the website also offers a number of similar items including pandas with outfits on, and donuts! These really would be the perfect accessory for a dinner gathering!

Panda Jewelry
If you have read my earlier blogs you may get the idea that I am a sucker for a cute key chain or cell phone charm (despite the fact I don’t own a cell phone). It is hard to surf around and find nice looking panda charms that aren’t the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) logo, however if you look hard enough you may be sure to find some cute charms/ jewelry/beads/etc that are the perfect panda–not too cartoonish, not a Hello Kitty dressed up in a panda suit, and not a company logo. I am still looking for my perfect panda charm(s), but for now I still gathering in inspiration.

I hope this post has found you some inspiration to feed your own panda obsessions and collections, and perhaps to make your bento lunches a little more black and white đŸ˜‰ . Be sure to check out the gallery below for all sorts of Panda goodies.